Yes, You Can Remove Hair THERE

Hair is a surprisingly complicated part of the body, made up of structures above and below the skin. Humans can grow it nearly everywhere on the body, but millions of us decide we need more or less hair at any given time.
When you decide to get rid of unwanted hair, you have options. Which you choose likely depends on where you want to remove it. For sensitive parts like the bikini area, should you do it yourself or get it done professionally?
At Skinworks Dermatology, with three New York City locations, Dr. Javier Zelaya and our experienced team can help you find the safest and most effective hair removal option for your needs.
Potential problems with hair removal
Aside from issues with razor burn, rashes due to leaving depilatories on too long, and other unpleasant complications, you can also develop folliculitis (ingrown hair).
This condition occurs when hair is blocked from growing out of the skin or grows inward. It often results from dead skin cells clogging follicles, which lead to bacterial infection. Also, shaving and waxing tend to create sharper hairs that can get trapped in the skin.
The risk of ingrown hairs increases with coarse and curly hair and happens frequently in spots shaved regularly (face, armpits, legs, and pubic area).
This problem often comes with bumps that may fill with pus as infection progresses. The area around it may be irritated, swollen, itchy, warm, and discolored. That obviously can make trying to remove hair in those places quite uncomfortable.
Pros and cons of home and office hair removal
Here’s what you should know about removing sensitive hairs at home and here at Skinworks Dermatology:
Home options
Shaving and waxing are still options for getting rid of hair, as are tweezing, plucking, and depilatories.
With proper precautions, such as disinfecting your tools, wetting the area, working in a well-lit space, rinsing your razor, using moisturizers, and working carefully, you can still use these methods and avoid the hazards mentioned above.
The main disadvantage is the hair grows back fairly quickly, which isn’t the case with laser hair removal.
Our options
Laser hair removal is a safe, effective way to remove unwanted hair, even in places as sensitive as the pubic area, with results that last longer than the home options.
With laser hair removal, a device emits concentrated light that weakens and destroys the hair follicles under the skin, causing hair to grow back in smaller and lighter amounts. Over time, hair won’t grow back at all.
This option also allows for removing large amounts of hair in less time than at-home methods.
So yes, unwanted hair can safely be removed from sensitive areas, and we can help you do it quickly and with as little discomfort as possible.
If you’re ready to see the benefits of professional hair removal treatments, make an appointment with Dr. Zelaya and Skinworks Dermatology today. Call the office in Maspeth, Chelsea, or Park Slope, or book your visit online.
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