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How Often Should I Schedule Facials?

How Often Should I Schedule Facials?

When it comes to first impressions, a lot of factors tend to affect what people think in a short period of time, including emotional state, general attractiveness, vocal inflection, self esteem, and your face. Your skin plays a role in many of these factors, (especially your face) and whether it’s a blemish or a skin condition, keeping it looking your best is not just a self esteem boost when people see you, but a sign of good health.

Facials are a great way to improve your appearance, and in addition to helping you look better it can also help manage several skin problems. To find out more, let’s look at some common skin problems, the types of facials that can help, and how frequently you should consider getting them.

If you live in the Maspeth, Park Slope, or New York, New York area and you want the best looking skin, Dr. Javier Zelaya and his team at Skinworks Dermatology can help you make the best first impression.

Common skin problems

Here are some skin conditions that often affect your face:

Types of facials available

We have a number of facials to help improve your skin, such as:

Deep cleansing

We have different types of deep cleansing treatments (including lymphatic, micro polish, and dermaplaning) for all skin types to exfoliate, cleanse, and extract. 

Sensitive skin 

This is a facial that can help with rosacea that consists of gentle cleansing, a calming mask, and LED lights.

Emergency detox

If you have oily skin or acne, this treatment can help by doing a light peel, cleansings and extractions, and a mask.

Micro polish

A type of deep cleansing facial that uses steam vapor, exfoliation, extractions, and a blast of crystals for skin rejuvenation, fine lines, light scarring, and hyperpigmentation.


A deep treatment that uses our normal process and helps to scrape away dead skin cells with dermaplaning to treat sun damaged skin, hyperpigmentation, and fine lines.

How often you should get them

The short answer is it depends on what type of facial you’re getting and if a specific condition is being treated. Most facials will leave your skin sensitive for the first few hours after treatment,and facials for medical conditions can leave it red and irritated for a few days. Following your aftercare instructions will be crucial in getting best results, and the length of time between treatments will vary. Expect to have treatments monthly, with possible adjustments based on your individual needs.

Facials can make a world of difference when it comes to self esteem and healthy skin, and if you’re ready to find the treatment that suits your needs, make an appointment with Dr. Zelaya and his team at Skinworks Dermatology today.

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