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Facials Flaws Fillers Can Fix

Facials Flaws Fillers Can Fix

Healthy skin is important to fend off viruses, bacteria, and other external threats and protect the muscles, tissues, and organs underneath. 

There are many ways your skin can be damaged, such as overexposure to the sun’s UV rays, smoking, skin irritants, and other environmental factors. Age also plays a part, as your body produces less of the proteins that keep your skin firm and flexible, such as collagen and elastin.

Regardless of why your skin is damaged, there are cosmetic treatments to help you look younger and healthier. Among these, dermal fillers are a popular choice — over 3 million procedures annually — that can reduce many facial flaws. 

At their three New York City locations, Dr. Javier Zelaya and the skilled medical team at Skinworks Dermatology have the answers, including dermal fillers, if you’re seeking younger-looking and healthier skin.

How dermal fillers work

Dermal fillers are a common nonsurgical cosmetic procedure that helps millions look better. The injections target soft tissue areas of your face to reduce the appearance of imperfections.

This outpatient procedure takes less than 30 minutes, providing results that can be seen immediately and that can last for six months or as long as two years depending on the area treated and the type of filler.

There’s little recovery time with dermal fillers. You can get back to your daily routine after the procedure.

Types of fillers

To get results, dermal fillers use a combination of synthetic and natural materials just under your skin, including:

At Skinworks Dermatology, we offer a range of these types of injectables — brands such as Restylane®, Juvéderm®, Radiesse®, and Sculptra® — suited to your preferences and needs.

Facial flaws dermal fillers can treat

The loss of collagen and elastin in your skin over time can lead to wrinkles, creases, sagging, and other signs of aging. 

With dermal fillers, you can treat many of these problems, smoothing wrinkles and creases, making facial features more symmetrical, plumping areas such as lips and cheeks, filling shallow contours, and adding volume to sagging areas of your face. 

It’s important to get a medical history before treatment to determine if existing allergies, skin conditions, neurological problems, medications, or a history of bruising or bleeding might affect the effectiveness of fillers or increase your risk of an adverse reaction.

Dermal fillers offer immediate results for removing facial flaws that can last for years and be performed quickly on an outpatient basis. 

If wrinkles, creases, and other facial imperfections are affecting your self-esteem, dermal fillers are a safe solution. To get started, call the Skinworks Dermatology office in Maspeth, Chelsea, or Park Slope, or book your visit online.

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