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You May Have Inherited Your Psoriasis But You Don’t Have to Live With It

skin issues, psoriasis

Contrary to what you might think, psoriasis is not just a skin condition. It’s an autoimmune disease that causes your skin cells to reproduce on overdrive, and, for some patients, there is a definite genetic link to psoriasis. The exact causes remain maddeningly unclear, too.

Fortunately for you, Dr. Javier Zelaya of Skinworks Dermatology has dedicated years of his career to working with psoriasis patients and keeping current on the latest research about this condition. Our caring teams in Queens, Park Slope, and New York City are here to tell you more about psoriasis and how you can overcome it.

How Common is Psoriasis?

Very common. Though there are six different types of psoriasis, plaque psoriasis is by far the most frequently diagnosed. The telltale silver scales and red patches that are the hallmark of psoriasis affect over 7.5 million children and adults across the US.

Depending on the type of psoriasis you have, you may also experience pitted, peeling nails and swollen, painful joints, the latter indicating you have psoriatic arthritis.

Those who suffer from psoriasis report that, depending on the percentage of their body that’s affected, the condition can devastate their quality of life.

Three ways psoriasis diminishes your quality of life

Psoriasis is devilish and makes you uncomfortable in multiple ways, including:

  1. Causing patches and scales that itch, hurt, and even bleed
  2. Outward symptoms that might make you embarrassed or want to cover up
  3. Fickle symptoms -- when you think psoriasis is on its way out, it returns again with a vengeance

Patients have shared real stories of embarrassment and discouragement over their psoriasis with us. Dr. Zelaya understands that psoriasis is not merely an irritant, but a real obstacle to achieving your day-to-day happiness.

About one-third of psoriasis sufferers are related to someone with the condition. Your chances of inheriting the condition go up by 10% if one parent has psoriasis, which doesn’t sound so bad. If both of your parents have it, your chances of getting it shoot up to 50%, a much more sobering statistic.

How does the doctor reach a diagnosis of psoriasis?

Dr. Zelaya wants definitive answers about your skin condition as quickly as you do. He will talk to you to see if there’s any history of psoriasis in your family and discuss your medical history in detail. He’ll also closely examine your trouble spots and, if necessary, order a skin biopsy.

What treatments are available for psoriasis?

Dr. Zelaya offers a diverse range of treatments to put the brakes on psoriasis-related cell growth, including:

Though there’s no cure for psoriasis, Dr. Zelaya creates a customized treatment plan for you to keep your psoriasis symptoms under control. This will help minimize or eliminate those annoying flare-ups. Rest assured, his approach and treatment toolbox are backed by solid, scientifically substantiated research.

Does self-care play a role in improving psoriasis?

Absolutely! In conjunction with any medications or treatments you may receive, Dr. Zelaya will discuss how lifestyle habits can exacerbate or help with your psoriasis. He will counsel you on how to best avoid getting a skin infection, how to deal with skin injuries, and the role stress plays in your psoriasis symptoms.

Some medications have been linked to worsening psoriasis, such as certain blood pressure medications, antimalarial drugs, and even ibuprofen. Low Vitamin D levels have also been known to affect psoriasis.

Lastly, two things that provoke flare-ups are ones you can also control: tobacco and alcohol. Try to limit your intake or avoid these altogether to avoid worsening your symptoms.

Other practices you can employ to ease your symptoms include getting plenty of physical exercise, eating a healthy diet, limiting your time in the sun, and taking a bath every day.

Contact Skinworks Dermatology and get the process started ASAP!

Dr. Zelaya and the Skinworks Dermatology team want to help you find real solutions to the discomfort and self-consciousness that often comes with psoriasis.

We offer three convenient locations you can visit in Queens, Park Slope, and New York City. Requesting an appointment is as simple as giving us a call or using our convenient online booking tool today!

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